-Culled from Cosmopolitan.com
Its been AGGEESSSSS since I blogged...but I saw this really interesting article and decided to post it.....:-D....i'll be back in grand style again...SOOOONNNEEESSTTTTT!
Love Questions Every Guy Asks Himself
All men make internal queries at critical relationship moments to decide whether to stick around or stick a fork in it.
On a First Date
What's she like in bed?
If I don’t get laid tonight, will this end early enough for me to meet up with friends?
But...will I get laid tonight?
Is that a superultrawünderbra or are her breasts that incredible?
Does she think I’m funny?
Do I tell her she has a piece of lettuce stuck in her teeth or do I hope it works itself loose before she looks in a mirror and completely freaks out?
Does she always wear this much makeup?
Are lulls in the conversation first-date awkwardness or a sign that she has nothing to say?
Would doing this again be worth the time and money?
Before Getting Serious
Am I really willing to give up on other potentials for her?
Would I be proud to introduce her to my folks?
That girl I always see at the gym seems into me, so seriously, am I really willing to give up on other potentials?
Will my friends like her?
Will she let me see my friends?
Would I have fun if I took a long vacation with her?
Will I think her “charming quirks” are actually “annoying pathology” in six months?
At some point down the road, can I see myself perhaps beginning to maybe think about the chance that I wouldn’t rule out the possibility of marrying her?
Before Getting Married
I love the way things are, so will marriage change anything?
Is she gonna go bonkers while planning the wedding?
Will she eventually look as MILF-hot (or troll-like) as her mom does?
Can I handle her insane family for the rest of my life…and can she handle mine?
Will she be a good mother?
She may work now, but do I make enough money to support her and a family if I need to?
Will I ever be able to spend time by myself again?
Do I know I can count on her in a crisis?
Can I be happy never having sex with another woman for the rest of...my...life?
NB....Guys...is dis true????